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How to avoid overindulgence

Feel energised with these simple tips

While we all like to indulge in life’s pleasures, it’s easy to overdo it. But, you don’t have to feel uncomfortable every time you eat your favourite foods, says accredited nutritionist and exercise physiologist Caitlin Reid. Here are here top tips for avoiding overindulgence.

Easy access to large amounts of food combined with a culture of socialising around food and alcohol makes it likely that we have all felt uncomfortable in our clothes at least once in our lives. Many of us are familiar with overindulging, whether it is for a special occasion or because we simply enjoy food. Here are some simple steps to avoid over eating

Eat slowly

Eating quickly makes overeating more likely, as it takes about 15-20 minutes for your body to register that you are full. Slowing down your eating will help to combat this, as well as allowing you to savour your foods.

Eat the foods you love

Developing a healthy relationship with food is the key to preventing overindulgence. Depriving yourself makes it more likely to overindulge when you do give yourself the chance to eat your favourite foods. However, this sets you up for a cycle of deprivation and overindulgence. Enjoy the foods you love all year round but do so in moderation.

Choose nutrient dense foods

Some foods are more nutrient dense than others, meaning they give you more nutrition per gram of food than others. While it’s important to include more nutrient dense foods at each meal, including them before a meal can help to reduce the amount you eat at mealtime. For example, starting your meal with a low-kJ soup or salad has been shown to reduce intake at the next meal by 20 percent and 12 percent respectively, as these foods fill up the stomach and keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Drink water before your meal

Drinking two glasses of water before your meals can help fill your stomach and reduce the amount of food you eat at the subsequent meal. In fact, research shows drinking 500ml of water before your meal can reduce kilojoule intake by 13 percent irrespective of age, weight or gender.

Be alcohol smart

Enjoy a drink but do so in moderation or you could find yourself with excessive amounts of kilojoules and partaking in activities you really wish you hadn’t. Swap regular wine and beer, for lower alcoholic or carbohydrate varieties.

While the lower alcoholic varieties are recommended over the low-carb varieties, both will offer you fewer kilojoules than their regular counterparts. Reduce consumption by putting your drink down in between sips and remain hydrated by alternating your alcoholic beverages with water. This will also help reduce the likelihood of intoxication.

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