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How Drew Barrymore dropped 10 kilos

Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore has always had a curvy figure, but since turning 30 last February and adopting a healthy new diet and exercise regimen, she’s looking more lean, fit and radiant than ever before. Drew says she only noticed she’d gained 9.6 kilos last year when she struggled to fit into her trousers. “I was a lot heavier and didn’t notice the change — except when I found my old pants!”

The Charlie’s Angels star admits she was paranoid about her size, but shunned Hollywood’s faddy diets in favour of regular exercise and sensible eating. “I didn’t exercise before, but ever since I started, my body has really changed,” Drew says. “So it turns out those people who say exercise is good for you are right. I hate that!”

Now, instead of partying late and then lying in, Drew jogs in the mornings. “I picked up running as I needed an outlet,” she explains. “It has made my life better.”

The resilient star also enjoys going for long strolls and bike rides. She varies her routine with dancing, swimming and even crazy golf. “It doesn’t matter how you raise a sweat,” she says, “so long as you have fun doing it!”

The twice-married actress has to work at maintaining her svelte body — at 164cm, every kilo she puts on is noticed — but Drew is modest about her slim figure. “I’m like a corgi — I have very short legs. I know I’m not ugly, but I don’t think I’m pretty. I hate my arms, they’re like sacks,” she laments.

To look and feel her best, Drew combines regular exercise with a balanced diet. She drinks plenty of water and takes vitamin C tablets to keep her skin healthy.

“Two years ago, I was a full vegetarian, living on carbs,” she says. “Now I eat more protein. If I want that pasta, I’m gonna have it though! I don’t eat a ton of meat, but if my body needs some, then I’ll eat it. When I don’t feel good about myself, I’ll eat healthier or eat a little less.”

Drew has three meals a day, consisting mainly of organic fruit and veg, and she snacks on sugar-free jelly when she needs a sweet fix. “I want to eat what I want. I think, ‘I ran today, I can have the fettuccine Alfredo’. You heard me — cream and carb!” she laughs.

But the actress’s big secret is simple — be happy! “Psychology is like a layer of skin, it shows as much in your eyes, smile and physicality.”

We really like her attitude — and we’re loving the results!

Daily diet


Fresh organic fruit salad


Brown toast spread thinly with peanut butter


Sugar-free jelly


Grilled chicken, jacket potato and salad


Green vegetable salad


Eight glasses of water a day


Grilled turkey fillet with rice, tomato and mixed peppers


A small serving of pasta with a light sauce

Drew’s exercise plan

Sessions per week

Five 45-minute workouts

Suggested exercise

  • 45 minutes outdoor running

  • 45 minutes fast walking

  • 45 minutes cycling

  • 45 minutes swimming or dancing

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