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How Britney Spears got her hot new body

How Britney Spears got her hot new body

Britney Spears’ trainer has spilled her weight loss secrets, revealing exactly how the star trimmed down recently.

The singer, who is about to launch a series of Las Vegas shows, has toned up and is stepping out looking fit and healthy.

Her killer new body and healthy outlook is all thanks to her personal trainer Tony Martinez, who says his workouts are all about having fun.

“I like to have fun and light humour and have you laughing the whole time. We will get your work done but I want you to have fun,” he tells E! Magazine.

“I like to incorporate sports like baseball or basketball into my workouts.”

Tony, who has a list of celebrity clients including Janet Jackson, Pink and The Jonas Brothers, works with Britney three or four times a week.

“She is a tremendous athlete. She likes to be very strong and aggressive in her workouts,” he says.

“I kept telling her to stop making it look too easy. It was like a competition with us!”

And when it comes to diet, Britney is allowed to eat five small meals per day, with her favorite being chicken salad with balsamic dressing.

Britney also credits yoga and the Nutrisystem – a weight loss program based on the glycaemic index that provides portion-controlled meals in microwave-ready pouches – for her trim figure.

And while Britney admits it’s hard to stay on track, listing spaghetti, brownies and chocolate chip cookies as some of her indulgences, she is determined to stay in top condition. “I’m doing 90 minutes of yoga twice a week, in addition to a lot of cardio – hour-long sessions three times a week, with my trainer Tony Martinez,” she recently told Shape magazine.

“The [Vegas] performances won’t be easy – they’ll be a massive party from start to finish. And to pull this off, I have to be in top condition and running at full speed.”

Tony’s workout for Britney combines different exercises, including:

  • Basketball jump shot against the wall 20 times

  • Backwards interval walking on a treadmill at 3.2km per hour for 1 minute, then walk forward for 1 minute.

  • Balancing on 1 leg, doing medicine ball slams with 1 arm

  • Bicycle on the floor mat 20 times for abs.

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