Home Health

Honour your other half

If you’re in a relationship, it can be sobering to take an inventory of how you treat them.

How much time did you spend together this week?

How much (if any) was “quality time”? What did you talk about – chit-chat, family business, or something more significant?

Give your partner the same consideration you would a friend, or even a stranger. Don’t forget to say thank you – every single time – and try to speak calmly, even when you’re furious!

Try at least one of these today:

  • Read to each other from your favourite books

  • Sing silly love songs to each other

  • Start a hobby together

  • Give your loved one a massage

  • Raise a pet together. Couple with pets are happier and healthier than petless ones

  • Send him a letter, even if you live together. Everyone loves to get a little fan mail!

  • Drink champagne

  • Go parking!

  • Get intimate: Buy each other gorgeous – or ridiculous – underwear and leave it on the bed, with a rose

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