FACT: Bagging out someone over their body’s normal/natural lumps and bumps is so yesterday.
So, too, is dissing anyone who has cellulite.

And this is exactly why Hilary Duff’s latest holiday Instagram post is so important.
While holidaying in Hawaii with her five-year-old son, Luca, the 29-year-old uploaded a post of a paparazzi picture taken of her legs. She then proceeds to – literally – tell any person who wants to shame her body to “#kissmyass”.

“I am posting this on behalf of young girls, women, and mothers of all ages,” she begins.
“I’m enjoying a vacation with my son after a long season of shooting and being away from him for weeks at a time over those months.”
She then goes on to talk about her life’s greatest gift (Luca) before becoming every woman-who-has-ever-been-body-shamed’s hero by stressing the importance of loving the skin you’re in.
“I’m turning 30 in September and my body is healthy and gets me where I need to go,” she continues.
“Ladies, let’s be proud of what we’ve got and stop wasting precious time in the day wishing we were different, better, and unflawed.”
But don’t think she was going to leave her self-initiated conversation without calling out the haters…
“You guys (you know who you are!) already know how to ruin a good time, and now you are body-shamers as well. #kissmyass.”
While Hilary’s positive body-image messaging should certainly be congratulated, considering, 85% of women in Australia have cellulite, we’re disappointed that Hilary has to go as far to almost defend her body in the first place.
And it’s a shame that something so normal – common, even – inadvertantly lends itself to such blatant scrutiny.
Like, really – the same can be thought of when it comes to stretchmarks.
Many of us have them, so why not celebrate them?
Well, as previously reported by The Weekly, thanks to a truly gifted, and insightful, artist named Cinta Tort Cartró, we are all being encouraged to do exactly that.
Using her Instagram profile @Zinteta to showcase her incredible pieces, Cinta conveys women’s stretchmarks in the most beautiful and colourful way – completely devoid of any airbrushing.
Just take one look at these inspirational images and you, too, will see how this Barcelona-based artist is captivating Instagram users with her bold and bright approach to illustrating the realities of womanhood.
Image sourced from @Zinteta.
Image sourced from @Zinteta.
Image sourced from @Zinteta.
^^^Case in point.