Home Health

Herbs that heal gingivitis

Herbs that heal gingivitis

Women are particularly vulnerable to gingivitis — now there is a simple natural remedy for this potentially devastating disease.

Gingivitis is an inflammatory condition of the gums that is caused by a build-up of dental plaque.

Women are particularly prone to it, as hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause can both trigger and worsen the condition.

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Also, some medications which destroy bacteria in the mouth and/or dry out the mouth, leave gums even more vulnerable.

The bad news is that gingivitis isn’t just a pesky problem that looks unattractive.

Left untreated, it can lead to periodontitis, where severe gum inflammation is accompanied by erosion of the bone and ligaments that support the teeth.

It has even been linked to heart disease, as it can elevate inflammation levels in the body.

The good news, however, is that it is easy to prevent, with regular cleaning, professional plaque removal, and a low sugar diet.

Taking vitamin C and bioflavonoids may also stop bleeding gums by contributing to the build-up of collagen, a protein used in the formation of gum tissue.

According to a study from the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine in New York, published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, you can now add herbs to your anti-gingivitis kit.

Patches impregnated with extracts of gotu kola, echinacea, and elderberry — herbs with particularly strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiseptic properties — were applied to the gums of patients with gingivitis. After three days, significant reductions in inflammation were noted.

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The patches aren’t available for sale yet, but in the meantime, you can easily make a mouthwash using either a tea made from the dried herbs, which you can purchase from healthfood stores, or from diluted tinctures, available from a herbalist — visit www.nhaa.org.au to find one near you.

Video: Pregnancy problems – bleeding gums

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