Home Health

Healthy eating made fun

By Judy Davie

**”I can’t keep motivated to eat healthily all the time. I get bored with healthy meals. Can you help make healthy eating fun?”

— Briony**

Many people see eating healthily as something of an effort. It’s true, you do have to put some effort in but it doesn’t sound like you’ve enjoyed the benefits of healthy eating long enough to know how worthwhile it is to maintain it. Anyone who eats well will tell you there’s nothing like that feeling of abundant energy and overall sense of wellness.

Firstly, start with foods you enjoy. If you love spaghetti bolognese, switch things around to make it healthier. Add onion, garlic, grated carrot and chopped celery to the sauce, use salt-reduced tomato paste and wholemeal pasta and serve with cracked black pepper and a sprinkling of fresh parmesan. Simple can be healthy too — marinate chicken overnight in a mix of soy sauce, fresh herbs, honey and lemon juice and grill for dinner. For a side dish, steamed vegetables can be delicious — brightly coloured broccoli, carrot and squash served with a dash of olive oil and some toasted almonds will liven up any dinner.

Try getting the family involved to make mealtimes more fun. Try hosting a homemade pizza night. Lay out small wholemeal pizza bases spread with tomato paste, and bowls of sliced tomato, roast capsicum, baby spinach, pineapple rings, onion, olives, shaved ham, chopped chicken and crumbled feta. The kids can have a great time creating a personalised pizza they’ll enjoy eating.

In the mood for a milkshake? Make a fresh fruit smoothie instead, with low-fat milk, chopped banana or berries, a teaspoon of honey and a dollop of natural low-fat yoghurt.

Dessert can be healthy too. Stew some apple and rhubarb and serve with cinnamon and low-fat yoghurt, or make a healthy banana bread from leftover bananas.

There are endless ideas for healthy, delicious meals that all the family can enjoy eating. Choose brightly coloured fresh fruit and vegies packed full of nutrients, as well as wholegrains and lean protein, and add fresh herbs and spices for a hit of flavour. Most of all, take the time to sit down and savour your food and hopefully the delicious results will be motivation enough.

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