Home Health

Greater portion control

Diet Club

I was 82kg and 5’3″. Not a good look. I found out I had osteoarthritis in my knees and I just had to lose weight. I love food; growing it, cooking it and of course eating it! I have always had a healthy diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, lean meat and fish but still stacked on the weight. My GP gave me a great tip. She told me to go to a second-hand shop and buy some very old crockery, like your grandmother used — a cereal/dessert bowl, a bread plate, a dinner plate and a cup. She said use these items to portion control. I did and it works. I lost 8kg in five months. I eat anything I want but half as much as I used to! Also, be prepared to feel hunger for six weeks or so and decide to work through that feeling. I have sacrificed nothing but still have achieved a good result. It’s a great idea for people who hate being told what to eat!


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