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Great skin and a hot body in 30 days

It sounds too good to be true, but go natural and you can do it!

Diet is the quickest way to change your looks. Even minor alterations can have a huge impact on the skin. Are you feeling less than your best as summer celebrations take their toll? Could your skin and body do with a boost? Well, you can do it — and much more quickly than you think.

Australian nutritionist Erica Angyal, author of Gorgeous Skin in 30 Days, has come up with a natural, anti-ageing plan for youthful skin, which will also help you shed kilos.

“I’ve always been really passionate about nutrition,” Erica says.

“And being a woman, I’m particularly interested in natural ways to keep my skin looking as good as possible for as long as possible.

“Few women place much importance on the role that a healthy lifestyle plays in their skin’s appearance. Even fewer women realise the condition of their skin is a direct reflection of their diets and their lifestyle.”

Erica’s book is for anyone interested in slowing down their body clock naturally, improving health and vitality and achieving the best possible skin without expensive skincare or surgery.

Your skin is an organ, like your liver or heart, “so whatever you do for your skin will have a great affect on the health of every single organ in your body”, Erica advises.

“And it’s not just for women either. There are quite a few men in Australia following the program!”

How does it work?

Skin needs to be healthy in order to look its best, according to Erica.

“The Gorgeous Skin program is specifically designed to provide optimum nutrition for the skin. These nutrients come in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with essential fats from fish, nuts, seeds, herbs, wholegrains, olive oil, eggs and low-fat dairy foods.”

As Erica puts it, women can spend all the money in the world on expensive cosmetics, but if they are eating a diet high in refined ingredients, saturated and hydrogenated fats, sugar, preservatives, pesticides and alcohol, caffeine and junk food, they will find it hard to achieve good skin.

“Diet is the quickest way to change your looks,” she explains. “Even minor changes can have a huge impact on the skin.”

Easy slimming

Although the Gorgeous Skin diet is designed to improve your skin, Erica says it will also aid weight loss.

“Losing weight and getting your body in better shape has certainly been a welcome side effect for many people on the program,” she says.

“If you are already overweight and tend to eat a lot of processed food, takeaways, sugar and bad fats and do not exercise, you very likely will lose weight.”

Gorgeous Skin in 30 Days by Erica Angyal, Lothian Books, rrp $29.95.

Super foods

We’ve all heard of “super foods”, but what exactly are they?

“The super foods for gorgeous skin are natural whole foods which supply an abundance of nourishing natural vitamins, as well as minerals, healthy fats, amino acids, plant enzymes and antioxidants,” says nutritionist Erica Angyal.

Add the following super foods to your shopping list

Raw nuts (walnuts, pecans, almonds, macadamias)

Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil

Fish (especially deep-sea varieties, such as salmon, sardines and mackerel)

Whole soy products (soy, miso, tempeh)

Prunes and plums

Dark-green leafy vegies (spinach and cos lettuce)

Brown rice and wholegrains

Legumes (chickpeas, beans and lentils)

Organic eggs








Olive oil



Citrus fruits

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