Home Health

Getting fit

By Annette Campbell

Okay … so you’ve decided it’s time to get fit.

Whether it’s your first foray into the world of exercise or you’re determined to reclaim your past fitness level, there’s a few things you should keep in mind to avoid injury and keep motivated.

Meg Derbidge — a personal trainer from Sydney’s Hyde Park Club — says the key to starting, or re-starting, a fitness routine, is being consistent and taking things slowly.

“Ease yourself into it,” she says. “It takes a long while to get out of shape, so don’t expect things to happen straight away. Instead start afresh — forget about the past and get on with new things.

“Also, don’t let too big a gap creep in between your workouts. Once you’ve begun exercising, be consistent rather than starting and stopping all the time.

“Hopefully you’ll soon start feeling and looking better and become motivated by that.”

Here are more of Meg’s top tips …

See your G.P. for a check-up. Even if you don’t think you have any health risks, it’s a good idea to see your doctor to have things like blood pressure checked before you launch into your exercise routine.

Go shoe shopping! Your old joggers might still be okay, but if they no longer offer any support, you get blisters or they’re just not comfortable any more, invest in a new pair. You don’t want anything getting in the way of your good intentions.

Most people can walk so that’s a great starting point. At first you might find 10 minutes hard, but it’s a start to build up from. And remember that doing something is always better than doing nothing.

Consider your goals … if you just want to be a bit healthier, you can do 30 minutes a day at least three times a week (but preferably more). But if you want to lose weight, you’ll need to exercise for longer periods of time.

Set small goals. Aiming too big can make it all too hard and you’ll risk burning out. If you really do want to get back into jogging, start with a walk and build-up gradually. If you go from doing nothing to a 30 minute run, you’ll be very sore the next day.

Set aside a definite time of day to work out. You really need to say: “This is my time regardless of what else happens today”. Even write it into your diary and think of it as an appointment. If you keep thinking you’ll do it later, you’re not making a commitment.

Eat well. You’re asking your body to do more now, so cut down on junk food and fuel yourself with fresh vegetables, fruit, lean meat and seafood. And don’t give yourself food rewards! Sneaking a chocolate after a session at the gym defeats the purpose. Remember you’re trying to get a kilojoule deficit happening.

Do something you enjoy and don’t be afraid to try something new and different. Think about kayaking, golf or cycling. When you’re learning a new sport you’ll actually expend more energy trying to learn it!

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