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How to find motivation to get started and keep going with your New Year weight loss goals?


How to find motivation to get started and keep going with your New Year weight loss goals? Be Realistic The problem with common New Years resolutions is that we set ourselves changes that mean a major shake-up in our lifestyle and are simply too drastic to stick to in the long-term. Most of us are creatures of habit to a large extent and don’t react well to rapid change or going “cold turkey” on our favourite things. The key is to set yourself realistic goals that fit in with your lifestyle, and to aim for long term benefits, rather than short term gains. Make a fresh start New Year is a great time however to make a fresh start with healthy lifestyle goals. Putting one year to bed and starting anew can be just the motivation some people need to get started. And getting started is the key. We can all fall into a rut and put off the things that we know should be a priority in our life. The magic of success comes when you allow yourself time to adjust to change, take things gradually and trick your body and mind into accepting the “new” as the “everyday”. Start today So, if you’ve been putting off a weight loss plan, why not decide to start today and make one small change towards your goal. You might simply switch your milk from reduced fat to skim, or add a walk after your evening meal. Here are some other ideas on how to get started:

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