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Once blamed for boosting heart disease, eggs are staging a healthy comeback. Pamela Allardice shares seven reasons why googs are so good for you.

1 They’re packed with protein Eggs are an excellent source of complete protein, which means they contain all eight essential amino acids, the ‘building blocks’ of protein. Eggs are the standard against which nutritionists measure food’s protein value, meaning that, gram for gram, other protein-rich foods aren’t as valuable. For example, most legumes (except soybeans) contain more protein than eggs, but don’t provide all the amino acids, meaning they’re not as nutritionally complete a source of protein, nor as easily digested and absorbed.

2 They look out for your eyes Virtually every study on eye health comes to the same conclusion: the more lutein- and zeaxanthin-rich food eaten, the healthier the eye. These carotenoids are powerful antioxidants which prevent many eye problems, including cataracts. There’s not a huge amount of lutein or zeaxanthin in egg yolks (spinach, broccoli and kale have more), but there is more bioavailable – in other words, it’s taken up into the bloodstream more efficiently.

3 They help you B happy For mood, memory and all-round mental health, getting enough B-group vitamins is a no-brainer. Eggs contain the complete range, especially vitamin B12, which also controls homocysteine levels (a risk factor for stroke) and forms the protective coating around nerves. Plus, eggs contain vitamin B2 (for healthy skin), B6 (to counter stress), choline (for liver health) and folate (to build new cells).

4 They build better bones Eggs are one of the few dietary sources of vitamin D, which your body needs to absorb calcium to maintain strong bones. Most of your body’s vitamin D is made under the skin through the action of sunlight. However, deficiency is surprisingly common, especially among the elderly, shift workers and people with malabsorption conditions, e.g. coeliac disease.

5 They get you busy in the bedroom Eggs are a traditional fertility symbol and there’s a good reason why — two reasons, in fact. One, they provide zinc, which maintains normal levels of the male sex hormone testosterone. Two, men require a good intake of selenium to ensure sperm quality and quantity: one egg supplies 10 per cent of the average man’s daily requirements.

6 They’re actually not that bad for you Research shows that saturated fat, not dietary cholesterol, has more influence on blood levels of cholesterol. A Harvard School of Public Health study found no relationship between moderate egg consumption (up to one a day) and cardiovascular disease in healthy people. Note: If you have heart disease or high HDL (“bad”) cholesterol, you must limit cholesterol intake, including eggs.)

7 They recession-proof your budget At just a few dollars a carton, eggs are healthy for your wallet. Free-range, certified organic eggs cost a bit more, but studies show that eggs laid by birds exposed to daylight that eat a natural diet of insects, seeds and pesticide-free grass are lower in cholesterol than battery eggs.

YOUR SAY: Do you enjoy eggs in your diet? Share your favourite egg dishes below!

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