Home Health

Get a flat tummy fast!

A toned and taut Kirstie Alley reveals how you too can look amazing in a cossie.

Kirstie worked hard to get into shape for her bikini debut on Oprah. She went hiking every morning for an hour, then tried for an afternoon workout of weights, circuit training, pilates or yoga. She also followed a 5000kJ-a-day Jenny Craig diet plan and drank at least six glasses of water to help her feel full and flush out toxins. She says the slow, sensible diet left her feeling energetic rather than tired and cranky. Kirstie insists she doesn’t have a personal trainer or her own chef and simply weighs in weekly with a Jenny Craig consultant.

  1. Have a carb curfew

Try not to eat starchy foods like pasta and potatoes after lunch and don’t eat after 8pm. And try catching up with friends for low-kilojoule drinks rather than dinner.

  1. Have a fruity morning

Have a piece of fruit for morning tea. It cleanses your system and is great for getting a nice flat tummy for the day ahead.

  1. Get a gym buddy

Arrange to go to exercise classes with a friend, because once you’ve made that appointment, you won’t want to let them down.

  1. Eat more fibre

Fibre is essential for a flat tummy. It aids the digestive system by soaking up water in the gut, softening food and making it easier to eliminate from the body.

  1. Chew your food properly

If you don’t chew properly, it may lead to wind and bloating. The process of chewing also alerts the stomach to start producing hydrochloric acid, which it needs to digest its contents.

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