Home Health

Frozen meals give you cancer

Step away from the freezer, and walk towards the fresh food. Your health will thank you.
frozen meal

Is your freezer full of frozen meals? You may not just be eating a no effort required dinner, but actually causing long term health issues reports news.com.

Once again proving that fresh is best, a nutritional biochemist from the University of Hertfordshire, Dr Richard Hoffman, has confirmed that many “ready meals” contain substances linked to cancer, dementia and diabetes.

The sugar and salt content present in frozen meals has long been considered a health issue, but now our attention has been brought to the loss of nutrients from cooking vegetables for too long, cheap alternatives being substituted in ingredients, and carcinogens present in meat due to being cooked at high temperatures.

A balanced diet full of vitamins and anti-oxidants is known to reduce instances of heart disease and Alzheimer’s and help to prevent a myriad of cancers, so getting back to basics and brushing up your cooking skills is better for you in the long run.

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