Home Health

Fridge forensics

Dietitian Clare Collins combs The Biggest Losers‘ food diaries weekly to check they’re on track to slimming …

Fill your fridge like a Loser

The Biggest Losers are really lucky to have all the right food around them. You can achieve that at home by filling your fridge and the cupboard with healthy, low-fat choices.

“Make sure your meat is lean and your milk is skim and use healthy fats like a canola spray, a little bit of olive oil, avocado and nuts,” Clare says. “Ensure you have lots of beautiful fruit and vegies, like pears, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, mango, apples, peaches and nectarines.”

Keep a food diary

The Biggest Losers maintain daily food logs, to help them keep an eye on what they eat.

“Doing this prevents ‘eating amnesia’,” Clare says. “That’s all the little mouthfuls you have putting dinner together or the choccie bar when you buy petrol.

“People don’t focus on what they eat and don’t count it. They only count what’s eaten at mealtimes or what people see them eat.

“A food diary keeps you honest and helps educate you on today’s food choices and what’s going into your body.”

Aim for long-term loss

The Biggest Losers drop a lot of weight quickly, but Clare believes most of us should aim to lose a half to one kilo a week, particularly for the first six months.

“That’s one or two tubs of margarine every week, which is a lot,” she says. “If you can maintain that weight loss, you should re-evaluate how your health is, how you feel about your looks and if there’s a need for further weight loss. You can always see a dietitian to fine tune and tweak it and get some extra help.”

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