Home Health

Flavoured tuna

Judy Davie

By Judy Davie

“I make a sandwich every day for lunch with canned tuna. I’ve noticed there are a number of flavoured varieties on the market. Are they any good?” — Marie

For convenience and variety there’s nothing terribly bad with the gourmet tuna in the supermarkets, although gram for gram they contain around 20% less tuna and cost between 5 and 20% more.

The missing 20% tuna is made up with fillers and flavours which, whilst not harmful, would be fresher and healthier if you added them yourself.

Some have a small amount of sugar which, albeit small, is hardly necessary. If you have time to flavour tuna in spring water then it’s always better to do it yourself. With a range of herbs and spices in your cupboard it’s easy and fun to create your own.

Or simply copy the ones in the cans. Spicy chilli, fresh tomato and oregano, lemon and oregano, lemon and pepper, sweet chilli, sweet corn and lemon, tomato and olive, garlic and mustard are just a few I’ve seen and none of them are too hard to copy to justify the extra expense.

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