Home Health

Five ways to get instant energy

Your body creates energy from nutrients, oxygen, and invigorating stimuli, such as fragrance. These natural mood and body boosters suit busy lives because they give an instant lift and are so simple to do.

Your body creates energy from nutrients, oxygen, and invigorating stimuli, such as fragrance. These natural mood and body boosters suit busy lives because they give an instant lift and are so simple to do. 1. Massage your ears According to traditional Chinese medicine, stimulating acupressure points on your ears increases blood circulation, and thus energy. Vigorously rub your ears all over for about one minute. They should start to feel hot; almost immediately, you should feel more alert.

2. Drink water Many people feel tired because they’re dehydrated. If you don’t drink enough water, body fluids become thicker and move more sluggishly, making circulation slow and impairing the chemical reactions in cells that produce energy.

3. Snack for long-term energy Eating simple carbohydrates like cakes and biscuits results in a brief spurt of energy, but it’s usually followed by a crash. Instead, the best snacks provide a mix of protein, complex carbohydrates, and fat, because the body metabolises these slowly. Smart snack choices include: apple slices with peanut butter, multigrain toast with hummous or low-fat cheese, porridge with dried fruit and honey; or plain low-fat yogurt with a handful of chopped fresh fruit.

4. Make a splash Dip a face cloth in cold water and wet both the front and back of your neck. Then gargle with cold water for a couple of seconds. Your neck and throat are rich with sensitive nerves; by stimulating them with the cold water, you shock them into the ‘fight-or-flight’ reaction which temporarily shifts more blood towards your brain.

5. Breathe fire Sitting for long stretches of time causes carbon dioxide to build up in your blood, which in turn makes you sleepy. The ‘breath of fire’ is a traditional yoga exercise which helps clear the lungs completely. First, breathe in deeply through your nose; then exhale using 15 to 20 short, sharp bursts, clenching your stomach muscles to really push out each burst. Repeat three times.

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