Harmful germs, bacteria and viruses are trying to infect your body even as you read this. Strengthen your immune system this winter with these herbal remedies. 1. Astragalus A traditional tonic among Chinese herbalists, astragalus improves the activity of interferon, the body’s natural anti-viral agent. The best evidence to date for its immune-stimulating effects comes from the University of Texas Medical Centre in Houston, US. A study there found that the polysaccharides (a type of carbohydrate) in astragalus restored function to cancer patients’ damaged immune cells. 2. Echinacea Today, people all around the globe use this ancient North American plant remedy to promote resistance to colds and flu, a finding borne out by placebo-controlled studies. In one, 199 volunteers were randomly assigned a daily dose of 240mg of Echinacea purpurea or a placebo (dummy pill) to be taken at the first sign of a cold. The echinacea was effective in 68 per cent of cases, the placebo in only 40 per cent. 3. Borage Borage seeds are an excellent source of gamma linolenic acid (GLA), a fatty acid that is used by the body to produce prostaglandin E1, one of several natural chemicals that reduce inflammation. A small British study of women with breast cancer showed that taking a combination of GLA (which is also found in evening primrose oil) and the anti-cancer drug tamoxifen significantly sped up the women’s response to the medication. Borage seed oil is sold in capsules; follow directions on the packet. 4. Elder Traditionally used to soothe sore throats, it is the powerful anti-oxidants in this herb that seem to give it its anti-viral properties. In test tube studies, an elderberry extract has been shown to inhibit a variety of flu viruses. If using a syrup or tincture, follow label directions. Or simmer two teaspoons of dried elderflower tea (from your health food store) in one cup of water for 10 minutes; drink several times daily. 5. Ginseng Ginseng is renowned as an adaptogen, so called because it helps the body adapt to all sorts of stresses. Traditional Chinese medical (TCM) practitioners use it to help the body recover from illness as well as to increase mental and physical stamina. The most convincing experiments so far come from Denmark, where ginseng was shown to stimulate white blood cells to clear bacterial infections more effectively, as well as reduce damage to affected cells.
Five herbal immune boosters
Harmful germs, bacteria and viruses are trying to infect your body even as you read this. Strengthen your immune system this winter with these herbal remedies.