Feeling overwhelmed? Here are five easy ways to streamline your life, find more time and feel less stressed.
1. Have a clean-out.
According to feng shui, the Chinese art of placement, the clutter in your home correlates with parts of your life that need attention. Key spots include your entrance, which represents how you approach life, and your attic, which represents your goals.
2. Maximise your commute.
If you travel two hours a day to and from work, over the course of a year you will have spent 21 full 24-hour days commuting! Use the time wisely by: reading, if you’re not the driver; listening to tapes; or working out, if you can bike or walk to work.
3. Cook ahead.
Save time and eat more healthily by cooking on the weekend and making enough to freeze for the rest of the week. Soups and casseroles freeze particularly well.
4. Dejunk your mind.
If you find yourself unable to focus, try this quick meditation. Sit in a chair with your hands in your lap. Focus on your breath and begin counting each exhalation until you’ve counted 10 breaths. If you lose count, start again.
5. Save a tree and your sanity.
Keep paper and electronic junkmail to a minimum. Arrange to have some of your bills paid electronically. And sign up for a junk-email blocking tool – for ideas, visit www.obviously.com/junkmail