Home Health

Fitting health into your life

Top six tips to help you achieve success

Nutritionist and exercise physiologist Caitlin Reid reveals the tasks you should add to your to-do list today.

With long working days, job-related stress, traffic delays and school drop-offs, it’s hard for many of us to spare even a thought for our health. Sure if we could exercise whenever we pleased and had a personal chef to prepare our meals, finding time for health wouldn’t be a problem. Unfortunately for most of us, this just isn’t an option. The good news is by making small changes to your day-to-day life you can easily fit health into your lifestyle.

1. Start your day the active way

Bound out of bed each morning straight into a work-out. Starting your day with exercise is a great way to make sure you get your daily quota. Leaving it until the evening makes it easier for it to be overlooked by other “more important” things. Put your sneakers and work-out gear next to your bed and just do it.

2. Break the fast

Breakfast boosts concentration levels and reduces the likelihood of binge eating later in the day. Whether you eat breakfast at home, on the run or in the office, make sure it contains low-GI carbohydrates and some protein. Muesli with low-fat yoghurt or milk or poached eggs on multigrain bread are perfect breakfast options.

3. Limit the lattes

Gone are the days of the Nescafe with a dash of milk — today’s coffees are more like a meal. With loads more milk (not to mention sugar), the extra kilojoules can easily sabotage any weight-loss attempt. Enjoy your morning coffee but limit your daily intake to one or two regular skinny espresso coffees without sugar. If you’re currently slurping down more than this slowly wean yourself off by reducing the size and then the number of coffees you drink each day.

4. Take a break

When lunch hits, take a break! Stopping for lunch gives you time to de-stress and refocus. Use your lunch hour wisely and get outside for some vitamin D. You may want to exercise with work colleagues or even enjoy your lunch in a park. Just don’t work through thinking that you’ll get more done — even a 15-minute break will make you more productive.

5. Decide on dinner early

Instead of deciding on dinner as you walk through the door each night, be organised and plan your evening meals before the week even starts. For nights when you have more time to enjoy more complicated dishes, but for those busier nights, quick and easy meals will do the trick. On weekends you could cook a meal in advance for those nights when you know you won’t be home until late.

6. Sleep well

Before you jump into bed clear your mind by jotting down all the things that you need to get done tomorrow. Turn off your mobile phone, tablet device and laptop and make sure your sleeping environment is comfortable. Then lights out.

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