Brodie MacPherson’s Instagram feed is a stream of gorgeous, fun-filled, smiles-in-every-shot collection of happy snaps, but the one that has garnered the most recent attention was that of her complete body transformation.
One word: #fitspirational.
Three years ago, Brodie decided to get her health on track, embarking on a weightloss journey set to see her lose an astonishing 60kg in a two-year period.
But, as Brodie’s latest Instagram post proves, it hasn’t always been smooth sailing.
She candidly captioned the picture: “Just when I started to tell myself that I didn’t want to get up for F45 at 5:30am today, partly because it’s raining, partly because I’m not the fittest one there, partly because I have irrational fear about group exercise, I was reminded that the hard part is over.”
“Life is about so much more than the number on the scales. For me, it’s about challenging yourself and fighting to become the person you want to be, not just in fitness and health – in all areas.”

Brodie is being congratulated on her body transformation by hundreds of fans on Instagram!
“After all I’m just a former chubby girl who awkwardly loved leopard – but what I’ve learnt so far is that life’s too short not to keep growing, keep pushing, keep fighting your fears, keep loving yourself and having fun.”
Her darling mother Annie was quick to congratulate her daughter on all her hard work and positive energy, saying she is “very, very proud” of Brodie. Not only that, but she says Brodie has “always been beautiful inside and out, kind and loving!”
“Keep inspiring others to help them achieve their goals.”
And aside from F45, Pilates, yoga and a healthy balanced diet, Brodie says the support of her loved ones, including Daniel, is what’s really pushed her the furthest.
“He’s my best mate, my brother and my partner in crime,” she says .
‘I’m trying to follow Dan and surpass him – there’s definitely a bit of sibling rivalry, but in the best possible way.”
You go, girl!

Even Daniel has been vocal about how keeping active has changed his own life.