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Sisters fight breast cancer at the same time on opposite sides of the world vow to recover and see each other again

The sisters are confident they WILL see each other again.
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According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, over 18,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia in 2018; it’s also the second most common cause of death from cancer among women.

Breast cancer is a tragic diagnosis no matter which way you look at it, add to that a fear that you may never see your sister, who is on the other side of the world, again.

Rosin lives in the UK, and her sister Lindsey lives in Melbourne. The sisters are both fighting breast cancer at the same time and have made a vow to fight the deadly disease together and see each other again.

At present, the sisters are unable to travel on doctors orders – but the pair is confident they’ll be able to see each other again at the end of the year.

Rosin and Lindsey. Image credit: Seven news.

Seven News reports that the sisters continue to draw strength from one another as they undergo chemotherapy sessions, Skypeing regularly in a bid to keep each other positive.

In January, Roisin was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time in just four years. The shocking diagnosis encouraged her sister Lindsey to get herself checked, which is when doctors found she too was suffering from breast cancer.

Rather than dwell on their situations, the pair have decided to use their story to help raise funds for breast cancer through The McGrath Foundation.

Roisín Pelan from her website: fightingpantsareon.wordpress.com

According to their fundraising page, “a large percentage of all proceeds raised will go directly to The McGrath Foundation whilst the other funds will go to support that airport hug and much needed quality time together.”

Their aim is to be together again, and you can help the sisters achieve their goal by checking out their fundraising page.

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