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Fifi Box’s baby body comeback!

Fifi Box's baby body comeback!

As the radio favourite begins her post-pregnancy slimdown, she reveals the real motivation behind it to.

Overwhelmed with love for her beautiful baby girl Trixie Belle, Fifi Box found herself in an uncharacteristically serious mood. Suddenly, the popular star – a woman who’s long been making us laugh with her inimitable take on life’s highs and lows – was struck by a stark realisation.

With tiny Trixie dependent on her single mum for everything, Fifi resolved to be as healthy and strong as she could be. For Fifi, who’s made no secret of her body image battles and addiction to all things sugary, it meant reassessing a life-long approach to diet.

“It was like an epiphany that I could not continue living the way I had been,” Fifi reveals. “Trixie relies on me, and ifI am not fit, healthy and at my best, then I am not the best motherI can be to her.”

“I have always had a cop-out because I’d just looked after myself. And I suddenly went, ‘No, this is really important. I want to be a good role model to her.’ “That responsibility made me realise … it’s not, ‘One day, I’ll get healthy’. I had to start right now.”

Read more about Fifi’s weight loss program in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale Monday, July 1 2013.

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