Home Health

Energy boosting detox plan: days 5 – 7

Judy Davie

If you really want to boost your energy and kick-start the new year, then do what celebrities like Demi and Nicole do. A detox will help to unclog your liver, purify the blood and flush your whole body. As toxins release, the metabolism increases and with an increased metabolism you can reclaim the energy from your youth and love the new you.

Use this meal plan to prepare your shopping list and have everything ready before you start. Yes, it requires effort, but what worth doing doesn’t? The rewards are well worth it — find out for yourself.

(For those who don’t like fish, substitute fish dishes with organic chicken, turkey or tofu and take 1 tbs flaxseed oil each day. Flaxseed oil is available from health food stores. Always serve cold — it’s delicious with cereal or used in a salad dressing.)

Before embarking on a weight reducing diet you should consult your medical practitioner. This detox diet should be followed for seven days only and not for an indefinite period.

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