Home Health

Energy at work

Judy Davie

By Judy Davie

**”I do split shifts and find it hard to eat and exercise properly. I work from 3.30am to 9am, then from 3pm to 7.30pm. Is there any food I can eat to stop fatigue and keep my energy levels up?”

— Kerrie**

Goodness, you really have been presented with a challenge. I can’t help but feel your lack of energy stems from insufficient sleep and no time to prepare food.

We eat for fuel to give us energy but when we’re tired due to sleep deprivation, we often eat more than we need without the desired result. Energy is found from eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep and exercising.

In the guide below, I’ve made a couple of assumptions:

  1. You are able to go to bed at 8.30pm for six hours sleep until 2.30am

  2. You can make use of kitchen facilities to prepare some easy meals while at work.

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