Home Health

Eggs and cholesterol

**”Is it important to eat eggs every day for good cholesterol? And is it preferable to eat free range eggs?”

— Janette**

Eggs are an extremely important protein food containing all eight essential amino acids and numerous vitamins and minerals. Altogether eggs are a complete food.

Not so many years ago eggs were blacklisted as the yolk was considered high in fat and cholesterol. Nutritional scientists have since discovered that the cholesterol in eggs is far less a concern than saturated fat since LDL cholesterol is made by the liver from the fat of animal products. Further analysis shows that while the yolk is relatively high in fat, less that 1.5g is saturated and the balance comprises of good fats. Interestingly, free-range eggs have been discovered to contain less saturated fat and more good fats. It seems the rule applies to chickens as it does for us — exercise reduces fat.

If you have normal cholesterol levels it’s perfectly okay to eat eggs every day, but if you have high levels of LDL cholesterol, it’s better to eat about four eggs a week. Free range and organic eggs are nutritionally better although more expensive, and Omega 3 fortified eggs are a good choice for further heart protection.

A note on HDL cholesterol: While eggs have many health benefits, they won’t play a role in raising the good HDL cholesterol. Wholegrains such as brown rice, wholegrain bread, brown pasta and legumes are the best foods to do this.

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