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Eating fruit could block breast cancer

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Extracts of a tropical fruit grown on vines could have cancer blocking powers, according to new research.

Scientists studying green and knobbly bitter melon fruit found that certain ingredients interfered with the chemical pathways involved in cancer growth, the BBC reported.

Breast cancer: risk factors

They found the fruit instructed the breast cancer cells not to multiply and instead encouraged them to commit cellular suicide, although they told the journal Cancer Research that more research was needed.

Study co-author Dr Rajesh Agarwal, from the University of Colorado in the US, said although promising as an anti-cancer agent, trials on animals and humans are still needed.

He said there was no proof that eating a large amount of bitter melon would offer any cancer protection.

The fruit, grown in Asia, Africa and South America, has long been used in folk remedies for diabetes and the treatment of infections.

Scientists hope that one day it could be extracted into a dietary supplement for breast cancer patients

“Breast cancer is a major killer among women around the world, and in that perspective, results from this study are quite significant,” Dr Agarwal said in a media release.

“This study may provide us with one more agent as an extract that could be used against breast cancer if additional studies hold true.”

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Jessica Harris of Cancer Research UK said more research needed to be done before bitter melon extracts could be considered as an alternative to existing preventative measures.

“Many plant chemicals can kill cancer cells in the lab but very few end up as useful cancer drugs,” Harris told the BBC.

“It will take a lot more work and trials on people before we know if this extract could benefit cancer patients or about any unwanted side effects. Many cancer treatments have been developed from plant chemicals, but only after years of thorough research,” she said.

“The most up-to-date, reliable evidence shows that drinking less alcohol, being physically active and keeping a healthy weight can reduce the risk of breast cancer.”

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