Home Health

Eat well to travel well

Travel guides

Make sure you look after your digestive health as you jet off to that exotic location this Christmas. New foods, disrupted sleep patterns, travel-related stress and flight-related digestive problems can all wreak havoc with your system — and don’t forget the risk of some bad bugs coming along for the ride. Let’s take a look at some top tips to help you travel well:

Prep and pack

To boost your immunity and get your gut in order before you travel, make sure you enjoy a daily dose of probiotic yogurt. Dollop it on your cereal, whip up a summer smoothie or grab a yogurt drink on the go. Research has shown that the active cultures in probiotic yogurts rebalance the levels of good bacteria in your gut and can help strengthen your defences if any bad bugs decide to pay a visit. As well as your immunisations, talk to your local doctor about packing some ‘just in case’ items in your first aid kit like oral rehydration sachets (e.g. Gastrolyte) and anti-diarrheal medications (e.g. loperamide).

Miminise jet lag

As well as sleep, jet lag also disturbs your circadian rhythms, the day/night cycle that regulates appetite, digestion and bowel habits. You can minimize digestive problems if you eat small light meals (adjusted to your destination time if possible), get adequate dietary fibre by going for more fruit and vegetables, wear loose comfortable clothing and move about the cabin as much as possible. To prevent dehydration and keep regular, drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages.

Tame traveller’s tummy

The risk of catching a tummy bug is increased when you travel overseas. One of the keys is to minimise your contact with contaminated water. As well as the golden rules with food safety you follow at home (such as hand washing) it pays to take care with:

  • Peeling fresh fruit and avoiding salads

  • Drinking bottled water and saying no to ice blocks

  • Avoiding street vendors, especially ice-creams

  • Going for hot food cooked to order, not dishes kept warm

  • Brushing your teeth with bottled water

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