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Easy ways to beat fatigue

Feel energised with these simple tips

Struggling to get out of bed in the morning? Can’t keep your eyes open and head off the desk at work? The good news is there are easy ways to boost your energy levels and beat fatigue, says nutritionist and exercise physiologist Caitlin Reid.

Get eight hours of sleep

Getting more sleep may seem like an obvious solution for a lack of energy, but many of us continually cut back on this important pastime. Sleep helps repair and recharge our bodies and recharge so we can function at our best the following day.

When it comes to sleep, quality is just as important as quantity. Constantly being woken up by beeping phones or tossing and turning due to work-related stress doesn’t give you the quality you’re after. Turn off your phone and clear your mind before hitting the sack each night.

Say ‘no’ more often

Many of us take on more commitments than we have time for. While saying “no” isn’t always easy, it’s perfectly fine to do so particularly when these tasks are creating unnecessary stress or cutting into your siesta time. By losing the things you take on out of guilt you’ll have more energy for the activities that really make you happy.

Go low-GI

Eating a diet containing low-GI carbohydrates help maintain energy levels in between meals. Foods with a lower GI such as oats, wholegrain bread and pasta cause lower spikes in blood glucose levels than high-GI foods (think white bread, jasmine rice and lollies) making them better options for prolonging energy levels. Include a low-GI food in each meal and snack.

Manage your stress

Being stressed to the max weighs you down and drains your energy levels. It can interfere with sleep quality and increase the likelihood of illness. Reduce stress and maintain your energy levels by identifying your stress triggers and implementing strategies to help keep you calm. One great way to help reduce stress is by practising yoga — the breathing helps to calm you while the movement energises you.

Limit caffeine intake

It’s well known that caffeine gives you a boost, but too much can interrupt your sleep, reducing energy levels the following day. Caffeine elevates levels of the stress-hormone cortisol, which overtime can lead to negative effects such as impairments in cognitive function, lower immunity and higher blood pressure. Limit caffeine intake to 300mg per day, which is equivalent to three instant coffees or five teas.

Get active

When you’re feeling fatigued the last thing you feel like doing is exercising, but research suggests exercise may be the best thing for you. Exercise increases energy levels and reduces fatigue even among people suffering from chronic medical conditions associated with fatigue such as cancer and heart disease. So forget the energy drinks and go for a jog instead.

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