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Dove teams up with Twitter to encourage nice tweets to celebrities

Dove and Twitter have teamed up to combat negative attitudes on social media with their new #SpeakBeautiful campaign.
Gwyneth Paltrow mean tweets twitter

It’s an interesting idea, a cosmetics company slinging make-up and lotions trying to empower women but that is exactly what Dove is trying to do.

Dove and Twitter have teamed up to combat negative attitudes on social media with their new #SpeakBeautiful campaign.

The campaign’s online video spruks research that suggests 50 per cent of women are more likely to say something negative about themselves than something positive and nearly three-quarters of women believe social media comments critiquing women’s beauty are damaging to their self-esteem.

The online effort will launch at Sunday night’s Academy Awards with a hashtag campaign called #SpeakBeautiful that hopes to encourage women turn mean tweets about celebrates into positive ones – like, because celebrities are people too y’know!

The cosmetics company will also employ a group of self-described “self-esteem experts” to reply to negative tweets about body image or appearance during the Oscar’s ceremony and Dove will continue the campaign throughout the year.

While celebrities to get to experience the joy of wearing custom couture, disgustingly expensive jewellery and the chance to rub shoulders with ridiculously cool people as part of their red carpet jaunts, they are also the victims to some very vicious cyberbullying.

Just this week Australian rapper Iggy Azalea has been the latest starlet to quit social media after falling prey to Twitter trolls criticising her in a recent unflattering bikini picture taken by a paparazzi and posted online.

“Just got back from a great vacation, came online and saw apparently it’s shocking and unheard of to be a woman and have cellulite. Lol,” wrote Iggy in response to online haters.

Minutes later she added: “I just want to have peace and relaxation time without a perve with long distance lense [sic] hiding out taking pictures, everyone deserves peace.”

And then: “I feel the hatred and pettiness i see online at all times is at making me become an angry person and I cannot be that.”

Soon after Iggy said she would be “taking time away” from social media and from now on her official Twitter account would be managed by her team unless posts are signed off as “IA”.

So maybe there is something in Dove’s new campaign to spare celeb’s from the pain of cyber criticism because it would be nice if people could focus on a female star’s talent and creativity rather than her looks.

All we know is Twitter trolls are a tough enemy but the best way to get revenge is to laugh at them! Just ask these stars who have famously made fun of the mean tweets directed at them on Jimmy Kimmel’s celebs read mean tweets.

Gwyneth Paltrow is the victim of much online trolling.

Iggy Azalea.

Cate Blanchett.

Emma Stone.

Julia Roberts.

Zoe Deschanel.

Sofia Vergara.

Mindy Kaling.

Sarah Silverman.

Kristen Stewart.

Lena Dunham.

Lisa Kudrow.

Chloe Moretz.

Gina Davis.

Jennifer Garner.

And it’s not just the ladies. Cue Ashton Kutcher…

Adam Sandler.

Benedict Cumberbatch.

Chris Pratt.

Ethan Hawke.

Gerard Butler.

Jon Hamm.

John Stamos.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Larry King.

Matt Leblanc.

Matthew McConaughey.

Rob Lowe.

Scott Foley.

Ty Burrell.

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