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Divorce causes hair loss for women

Divorce causes hair loss for women

Anyone who knows someone who has gone through a messy divorce knows that it can be enough to make your hair fall out. But new research shows divorce can cause hair women’s hair to fall out unaided as well.

New research conducted by the Case Western Reserve School of Medicine shows that women who have lost a partner through divorce or death were more likely to be losing hair than those who were married or single.

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The author of the project Dr Bahman Guyuron put the cause of hair loss down to the link between marital status and state of mind.

“Most likely, stress is the aspect of a troubling divorce that appears to lead to hair loss among women,’ he told HealthDay News.

But it’s not just divorcees who are showing the signs of stress on their hairline, the study also outlined other situations causing women are losing hair over.

The stress of having children was found to have the same effect.

Excessive drinking and smoking were also found to contribute to women losing their locks, and a history of skins conditions was also a contributor. But having a couple of drinks a week was found to reduce the risk of hair loss, and there was found to be a surprisingly lower risk in women who were overweight.

While men are more likely to lose their hair, the study found it was for different reasons with stress not being as great a factor.

New York dermatologist Dr Doris day said the link between divorce and hair loss in women was not surprising.

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“It’s not a shock to suggest that various kinds of stress can lead to hair loss. Or that men and women don’t experience stress in the same way, so that their hair loss patterns may be different,” she said.

Factors for thinning hair in men included not exercising regularly, high blood pressure and a history of dandruff.

While remaining calm might be the best option for women to reduce the risk of hair loss, men should be more careful of how much there are smoking, drinking, and spending time in the sun.

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