Home Health

Diet success at last!

Diet Club

To all you people out there who have tried diets and been frustrated — keep looking until you find what works for you!

I weighed 105kg and knew it was time to do something. I have always eaten healthily — plenty of fruit and vegies, wholegrain cereals etc. In the past I had tried Weight Watchers, the soup diet, exercise and cutting back on food — with no success. So this time I decided on the full-on exercise thing. I was going to the gym six times a week (1-1/2 hours of cardio and weights three days a week). After all this time I had lost just 8kg. Very depressing!

Then I decided to try out Sure Slim. Their theories are a little different to the usual ideas of six small meals a day. I ate only three meals a day with at least five hours between meals. They take blood tests and tailor your diet regime to fit you and your tastes. It wasn’t as hard as you might think because the meals are relatively large, but to get out of the nibbling habit was hard! What I discovered was that I was eating the wrong foods — no matter how hard I tried before, I couldn’t lose weight.

In the first month I lost 8kg — in seven months I lost 30kg! And I am keeping it off.


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