Home Health

Diet pills vs diet

By Judy Davie

**”I just can’t seem to get full. I’m constantly hungry, but any weight-loss supplements tend to make my moods swing badly. Can you suggest anything to help me please?”

— Mary**

Weight loss supplements often contain certain ingredients that claim to suppress the appetite, boost metabolism, burn fat or control cravings. Common constituents include green tea extract, bitter orange or chromium. The role of chromium in weight loss is unclear. Research has not proved that chromium supplements help people lose weight; in fact high doses of this mineral may cause headaches, mood swings and insomnia, which may explain your symptoms.

Be aware that the manufacturers who produce these products are primarily driven by money, not necessarily health. Certain products that claim to have the “miracle cure” often contain plant or herbal extracts that have yet to be proven safe in such large quantities. One popular weight-loss supplement in America was recently banned after it was linked to heart attacks, stroke and possible fatalities.

There is no safer way to lose weight than by eating a balanced diet combined with regular exercise.

If you always seem to be hungry, it’s probably because you’re eating the wrong type of food. Foods with a low glycaemic index will fill you up but also sustain your energy for longer, preventing drops in blood sugar which could also lead to mood swings or anxiety.

Include complex carbohydrates in your diet such as rolled oats, quinoa, sweet potato, sweet corn and loads of fruit and vegetables. Adding protein to each meal also slows stomach emptying, keeping you fuller for longer. Small snacks between meals keep your metabolism active and ensure you aren’t ravenous by the next meal.

A typical day might be:

Breakfast: Muesli with low-fat plain yoghurt and chopped fruit

Morning tea: Small handful raw almonds and dried fruit

Lunch: Large bowl of chicken and vegetable soup with a slice of toasted wholegrain bread

Afternoon tea: Apple or pear

Dinner: Grilled steak, steamed beans and broccoli, baked sweet potato

You can never rely solely on weight-loss products to lose weight. By eating regular, low-GI meals every three to four hours and exercising often, the metabolism is boosted and the weight can shift. Once you stop starving yourself and taking expensive and possibly dangerous supplements, your moods should also stabilise.

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