Home Health

Transform anger and reduce stress


Women are brought up to believe that anger isn’t OK, and they tend to smile on the outside while seething on the inside. In fact, getting angry every so often is normal and healthy. These 4 ideas will help you vent more constructively:


Take a break

Anger lowers inhibitions and leads us to blurt out things we later regret. In the heat of the moment, do something to clear your head: Go for a walk, slowly sip some iced water, or lock yourself in the bathroom for 5 minutes of deep breathing.

Get physical

Vigorous exercise is a great way to discharge aggressive feelings, whether it’s taking a boxercise class, or belting a ball at the golf range. Even thumping a pillow helps release negative emotions.


Make a noise

Sit and hum, crash saucepan lids together, or put on music and sing along. Long sighs, outraged screams, and deep groans all release emotional tension and help you relax by creating feel-good endorphins in your brain.

Appoint an anger buddy

Find someone trustworthy you can call or email to blow off steam. Make a pact that you can each share your most intimate thoughts without feeling judged or having the other person ‘fix’ or attempt to explain your feelings.


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