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This is how long it REALLY takes to burn off that Easter chocolate

This may stop us from reaching for that third hot-cross bun (but definitely not the second).
Carrie Bradshaw gif

A four-day long weekend, hot-cross buns and chocolate (SO much chocolate), Easter, for those who celebrate it, is certainly a deliciously delightful time of the calendar year.


And if you’re anything like us, you may also use Easter as an opportunity to clock up your yearly sweet-treat quota in a 96-hour period.

But have you ever thought about (not that you probably have wanted to) how much exercise that sixth Crème Egg may actually require to burn off?

Here, Goodlife Health Clubs National Personal Training Manager Pete Gleeson gives us an egg-ucation in how our favourite treats may impact our waistlines this Easter…

Chocoholics, apologies in advance.


1 buttered Hot cross bun (with fruit)

Calories: 291

Burpees it takes to burn off: 265

Minutes on the treadmill it takes to burn off: 22


Sit-ups it takes to burn off: 728

1 Cadbury Crème Egg

Calories: 150

Burpees it takes to burn off: 136

Minutes on the treadmill it takes to burn off: 11


Sit-ups it takes to burn off: 375

1 packet of Cadbury Dairy Milk Solid Eggs

Calories: 660

Burpees it takes to burn off: 600

Minutes on the treadmill it takes to burn off: 49


Sit-ups it takes to burn off: 1,650

1 (200g) Lindt milk chocolate bunny

Calories: 550

Burpees it takes to burn off: 500

Minutes on the treadmill it takes to burn off: 41


Sit-ups it takes to burn off: 1,375

1 (small – 29g) Malteser Bunny

Calories: 157

Burpees it takes to burn off: 143

Minutes on the treadmill it takes to burn off: 12


Sit-ups it takes to burn off: 393

1 pack of Ferrero Rochers (6 pack)

Calories: 1,120

Burpees it takes to burn off: 1018

Minutes on the treadmill it takes to burn off: 83 (1hr 23min)


Sit-ups it takes to burn off: 2,800

Calculated exercise requirements based of average adult weight of 78.5kg, non-gender specific. Burpees averaged from multiple studies as expending 1.1cal per burpee for a 78.5kg adult, treadmill running rate of 10km/h (6min per km) using Runner’s World Calculator. Sit Ups estimated from burpee data; 1min burpee effort vs 1 min sit up effort was averaged as 1.1 cal per burpee = 0.4 cal per sit up

OK, hold up now…


Just because the amount of burpees it’ll take to work off one pack of Ferrero Rochers is kind of (read: very) frightening, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat them altogether.

According to Gleeson, it’s more about being aware of how you can curb your intake of these indulgent, drool-worthy chocolates so you can enjoy them with zero guilt – and here are his expert tips to prove it.

READ NEXT: A celeb PT’s tips for losing weight after the Easter weekend

3 quick tips for staying fit and healthy over the Easter break

  • Have a goal to maintain your results, and don’t be too stressed if you aren’t making any progress for this short period of the year. Aiming for a happy medium is a lot more achievable than eating the cleanest you’ve ever eaten and training the hardest you’ve ever trained!

  • Quality not quantity… this applies for your workouts as you’re ‘busy’ relaxing and more importantly, your Easter treats! Don’t eat yourself sick, enjoy less than half of your stash, give the other half away, and have some short sharp workouts. Most importantly, do what makes you feel good.

  • Move every day, even if it’s just 30 minutes! Try this: Put a 30-minute playlist together with approximately 10 x 3min songs. Go for a medium paced run/power walk. Every time the song finishes do 5-10 burpees and 10-15 sit ups. Might sound full-on, but it’ll be over in no time.

WATCH BELOW: This old Cadbury commercial is too cute!

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