There’s always been a certain stigma around plastic surgery. It’s not you don’t think about – living under the pressures of globalised beauty standards means that we all have that ‘one thing’ we’d love to get fixed – but generally, you don’t talk about it.
Let alone blog about it.
But when Rhiannon Langley decided to undergo a rhinoplasty, or a ‘nose job’, she wasn’t going to brush over it.
Posting on her blog, her Instagram and her Snapchat, Rhiannon studiously documented her plastic surgery journey, including day-to-day shots and diary-like entries. From the swelling and bleeding to the black eyes and burst blood vessels, Rhiannon, a hairdresser, didn’t skimp on the glory details.
“All you really see is an amazing before and after, no one really shows you what the in between is like, so I decided to share [my] photos and videos,” says 24-year-old, “I’ve never been a good liar, so I thought why the hell should I have to hide it or lie?”
But Rhiannon denies that she was pressured or guilted in to her plastic surgery decision, according to her, it was something that she had wanted for years.
“This is something I’ve always wanted, I’ve always said to my friends one day I’ll get my nose done, they used to just laugh and think I was joking,” said Rhiannon, “[But] I wear makeup, I wear hair extensions, I wear fake tan and this all makes me feel awesome, so if changing the shape of my nose does too then why not!”

Operation “The day of surgery, I was freaking out. What I was about to do had hit me, I started doing the WHAT IFS, what if I regret it, what if I hate it, what if I have complications, I had a small sook and then got it together, everyone I know who’s had surgery told me you do this, it’s a risk you’re willing to take.”

Day One post-op “When I got straight out I only had small bruising and no pain, my surgeon told me everything went really well and to sleep upright but I was so out of it I kept sleeping on my side and turning over, I didn’t sleep well at all! I woke up so so swollen, burst a blood vessel in my eye from all the pressure and my left eye was almost closed over, my right was huge too, I took one look at myself and wanted to cry, I knew I would bruise but not this much, they gave me ice packs to help with the swelling. That day I got discharged, the nurses gave me 5 different tablets to take, think it was 2 antibiotics, 1 anti-inflammatory and 2 pain killers for the 7 days. I was so groggy and out of it for the day I just wanted to sleep, at one point I was vomiting, think it was the anesthetic wearing off and after that I just kept trying to sleep, I still hadn’t eaten much.”

Day Three “Feeling horrible and so emotional, no pain just swollen, hungry and over it, sick of being in the room, sick of sleeping. Just having one of those days. My lovely client manager Emily from cosmeditour, suggested getting laser shower done, I had seen this before on TV on a client that Dr Nassif had done, as she was what he called ‘a bruiser’. So I was open to the idea, Mutsee had told me this doesn’t work for everyone but it was only 1000 baht ($40 AU) so thought I’d give it a shot. It wasn’t painful at all! It didn’t touch me, it was like a red light being shone over my face, they covered my eyes to protect them and it only went for 10-20mins, praying that my swelling and eyes go down from this!”

Day Four “Woke up feeling so much better, I think the laser shower helped me so much! I loved it so booked in again for another 2 more times! My cheeks, lips & eyes have gone down, I completely open my eyes. We went to the hospital today for a checkup, everything is looking good and I am recovering well. Dr Montein took some stiches around the nostrils out today, it was like a sharp pinch but nothing overly painful. I can finally see the difference in shape on the tip! I got my second session of laser shower today, I’m loving the results and so much bruising has gone down.”

Day Five “Feeling really good again. Flushing regularly is helping me breathe through my nose. We spent most the day lying by the pool, (yes my face was covered) just another relaxing day. My hairdresser nails were looking horrible from all the previous colour work so it was so nice to get pampered and its so ridiculously cheap. It was so nice to finally get out of the hotel and do something again! I also had my last session of laser done, every day I’m looking and feeling so much better and I’m starting to love myself more and more! There’s still no pain, just annoying sleeping upright pattern.”

Day Six “The days are just getting easier and easier and I feel as if I’m looking more like myself again. I’m getting the cast off tomorrow, feeling super excited and nervous! I also have had loss of taste and smell! I had no idea that this happened, at the start I gathered it was because there was so many tablets involved and I was so stuffy, that it must have been caused from that but apparently it’s just because the nasal passage ways are blocked up, and most taste actually comes from smell! Crazy but just a heads up, this is normal haha!”

Day Seven “And the cast is coming off wohoo! It’s really swollen, and numb, Dr. Montein said I won’t feel the tip for at least a couple of months. Getting the cast off was the worst part of this procedure for me. Having a broken nose, being so swollen or not being able to see was nowhere near as bad as getting the plastic tubes the size of my pinky finger pulled out of each nostril… So just a heads up if you’re thinking of undergoing rhino you will have tubes up your nostrils, whether you know it or not haha. It’s going to take around 2 months for the bone structure to set properly, and I have to keep pushing the nose slightly in the direction I want for the last 10% of perfecting it. The swelling will go down around 6months+.”

Day Eight “I’m home now and recovering well, the plane trip was fine and I had no trouble at all with the pressure.”

Day Nine “Overall my experience was a crazy roller coaster, but I am so happy with my decision to go overseas and get my surgery done, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done! I already feel so much more confident and can’t wait for the end of the 6 months. I am recovering really well and couldn’t thank cosmeditour enough for being the best agency to do this!”

“Two weeks post opp #BeforeAndAfter (mind the different lighting).”

“Two weeks post opp #BeforeAndAfter (mind the different lighting).”