Home Health

Diet myths exposed

Always choose the low-fat option:

Sure, we should go for low-fat options when possible, but remember — your weight is determined by how many kilojoules you eat. Low-fat options can lure you into eating too much, or they’ve been pumped full of sugar to compensate for the fat that has been taken out. And that means, yes, more kilojoules!

Don’t eat any carbs after lunchtime:

There’s no truth to this at all. Weight is determined by what you eat, not when you eat it. Eating regularly during the day keeps your metabolism on the boil, as long as you make healthy choices and watch portion control.

I got my wobbly thighs/tuck-shop-lady arms from my parents:

We do inherit some physical traits from our parents, like bra size, but it doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about excess fat. More often than not, it’s simply our parents’ bad habits that we’ve inherited. They may eat unhealthy food, but you certainly don’t have to!

My workouts are easy now, so I must be fit:

Our bodies adapt to the levels of exercise we do and become more efficient, burning fewer kilojoules. If you don’t regularly step up your exercise routine, you’ll never be as fit or toned as you could be.

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