Home Health

What Diet Coke does to your body in just one hour

“The new recipe for diet coke is no different from normal coke in its ability to make you hooked like a drug and with some serious side effects as you will soon discover.”

Regret Nothing? Regret everything.

Well, that’s what one pharmacist is telling the world.

The man who brought the impact of Coca-Cola on your body in one hour to our attention has now done the same with Diet Coke, providing an infographic of the damage the diet drink can do in 60 minutes.

Niraj Naik has written an article on his blog, The Renegade Pharmacist about the drink he claims attacks tooth enamel and confuses calorie consumption in the body, making diet coke drinkers put on weight more easily.

“From my experience as a community pharmacist helping people to get off medications for metabolic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity, I found if people drink diet sodas they still get the same problems as people who drink normal soda,” writes Naik.

“The new recipe for diet coke is no different from normal coke in its ability to make you hooked like a drug and with some serious side effects as you will soon discover.”

Here is the infographic and – below – the details of how the diet drink impacts the body in one hour.

First 10 Minutes: Tricks Your Taste Buds And Attacks Your Teeth

The phosphoric acid attacks the enamel in your teeth, while the artificial sweeteners like aspartame hit your system. Aspartame may trigger taste receptors and trick your body into thinking it has just processed sugar.

20 Minutes: May Switch On Fat Storage Mode

Like regular Coke this can trigger insulin, which sends your body into fat storage mode.

40 Minutes: Can Cause Addiction

The potentially deadly combination of caffeine and aspartame creates a short addictive high similar in the way cocaine works.

Excitotoxins are released which may exhaust your brain by overstimulating it’s neuroreceptors, especially if consumed on a regular basis.

60 Minutes: Depletes Nutrients, Makes You Hungry & Thirsty For More

Unlike the small amount of satisfaction you get from regular coke your body may still crave sweets.

This makes you likely to reach for another soda, or worse, some other junk food you consider to be safe and the cycle continues.

A can of diet coke provides no nourishment and would replace a more nutritious drink you could have drunk while potentially depleting your body of essential minerals

It will never quench your thirst as it dehydrates rather than hydrates your body. A lack of vital water can lead to brain fog, poor concentration, fatigue and feeling irritable.


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