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Yet another cruel example of one woman fat-shaming another and it makes our blood BOIL

Seriously, when will this stop?!
Diana Andrews

It’s exactly one week since the glory of International Women’s Day (!!!) and it seriously grinds our gears to report one more brutal case of a woman feeling the need to body-shame another.

UK bodybuilder Diana Andrews took it upon herself to share a picture of a woman running on a treadmill in front of her with 17,000 Instagram followers along with a caption that read: “love handles”.

Not only that, but she posted another snap to go with it, this time, as an Instagram story, with the words: “I bet she’s ordering [burgers] for dinner”.

Since posting these pictures last week, The Daily Telegraph report that Diana has been forced to make her Instagram account private after being hit left, right and centre with fierce criticism from her once-adoring fans.

Later apologising for what she had done, Diana said, “I realised that I was wrong to make this silly joke. It wasn’t my intention to body shame, hurt or disrespect anyone.”

“I saw this girl walking on the treadmill talking on her phone and I made a video and added a comment that she’s probably ordering take away.

“The whole point of this video was that she’s using her phone while on the treadmill. The whole story was turned upside down by taking a screenshot and adding comments that I’m body shaming this woman. I would never do this, it’s not who I am.”

Yet the Twitterverse are yet to give Diana their forgiveness.


And while we agree that Diana’s comments are without a doubt unjustifiable and uncalled for, we don’t condone the malicious missiles people have been firing Diana’s way – namely, harsh remarks regarding her physical appearance.

The take-home message? Sure, stand up for what you believe in – but if what you believe in is belittling people for how they look, we give you permission to sit down and shut up.

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