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Derryn Hinch suffers “brain trauma” after falling from Uber

The federal senator explains whether alcohol was to blame for his curbside tumble.
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Federal senator Derryn Hinch has been hospitalised after falling from an Uber in Melbourne.

The 74-year-old was stepping out of the car on Monday night when he tripped and knocked himself unconscious, the Herald Sun reports. Senator Hinch, who had a liver transplant in 2011, said he had two glasses of wine at dinner and says alcohol was not to blame for his fall.

“Was I pissed? No I wasn’t,” he told Sky News.

“I stepped on the kerb and I fell over and I banged my head and I ended up in The Alfred hospital,” he added.

Mr Hinch spent Monday night in hospital where doctors did tests which determined he had suffered “slight brain trauma” from the tumble which occurred outside his house.

“They kept me in overnight and did some tests — heart tests and blood pressure tests and various things,” Me Hinch said.

The radio host was released from hospital on Thursday morning and said he was “fine”.

“I can’t stop myself from falling over — old people do that,” he said.

Senator Hinch said he would undergo some tests today with concerns it may have been his heart that contributed to the fall.

“It has nothing to do with the liver…to tell you the truth I think I was just tired and I’d been up since early for breakfast TV,” Mr Hinch said.

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