Home Health

Dance away the calories

Diet Club

Have you ever tried going to do a couple of dance classes instead of going to the gym all the time?

I used to weigh 80 kilos, then I started going to funky jazz classes and the weight dropped off me! Of course I was eating right — I was going to the gym once a week and doing a high energy dance class once a week also.

In no time at all I got right down to 55kilos. I was enjoying dancing so much that in the end I ditched the gym and just did dance class. Because I had lost all that weight (and I was maintaining it because I was exercising all the time) I could go out and have the occasional Maccas with my nieces and nephews.

Don’t be afraid to go out and try something different. The gym can get a bit boring sometimes, so can just going for walks. Go and do some dance classes — there are a lot of dance studios where you can do beginner classes. You meet a lot of new friends as well as losing all that extra weight!

— Kristy

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