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CrossFit Week 12: And the winner is…

CrossFit Week 12: And the winner is…

So for the last week of my challenge it was all systems go. Nicole was back in action and driving me to do my best.

I purposely booked the photo shoot and my Dexascan for the very end of the week. Every day counts after all and with the fine-tuning to my diet my body was really responding and I still felt like I was getting stronger with every workout.

At the beginning of the week we videoed Paul taking us through a full workout so you could see what a CrossFit class is like first hand. Thanks to all the CrossFit Athletic members who were willing to get sweaty with me in front of a camera. I think even Byron, the videographer, got a workout running around after all of us.

Lights Camera Action

Pete came on board for my last photo shoot at the gym. Ever the encouraging trainer, Pete had me reach all kind of personal bests including pushing my body weight on the Prowler. What was he thinking… ouch! My legs were sore for days.

The poor make-up artist had to keep wiping me down for sweat but we powered through. Pete kept coming up with good ideas for cool looking exercises and it turned out to be a workout in itself. Styled up by Gracie and shot by Julie I have to admit that I never have, nor ever will look this good again during a workout.

The Proof is in the Dexascan

So I was kind of dreading getting back up on the scanning table and at the same time I was incredibly curious. There’s no shifting from foot to foot on this kind of scale… the Dexascan doesn’t lie. So (drum roll please) I lost over 8 kilos of body fat and gained about 2 kilos of muscle mass. At first I wasn’t sure if this was that great but when Luke at MeasureUp compared it to 32 bricks of butter I started to feel a bit better.

The boys at the gym were eager to see the results and their feedback and encouragement made me feel even better. They were really impressed and reminded me that my health issues (insulin resistance and adrenal fatigue) made the specific training approach and slow steady loss important.

Paul: “8kg body fat is unreal, think that it would have taken 8 weeks for the body to start to change and now it is doing so is amazing. I have never seen such a big change from anyone over this period of time”

Christian: “What you have done is amazing. You lost 7% Body Fat and 7 kg! Quite clearly what you are doing is working! Yes you have more work to do, but to get the results that you did is unreal. You were a special case, and with Paul’s nutrition assistance and your dedication to the cause, I think you have done fantastic! Remember we are building for the future, not like a biggest loser type deal. Sure you could have got more off quicker, but it would go back on quicker.”

Pete: When he got the impression that I was disappointed with my results Pete was on the phone to me immediately reassuring me that my results were outstanding and to snap out of it. I had to explain that in the past I had lost much more weight really quickly but inevitably I had always but it back on and then some. I had my heart set on reaching 70kg, which I didn’t quite make but at the rate I’m going it will just be a couple more months. My goals have changed it’s not just about getting skinny like I wanted when I was younger. Now it’s about being super healthy… for the rest of my life, and I feel like I’m on the right track for the first time ever.

What’s next for this caped crusader?

As the elite members of the gym prepare for the CrossFit Regional Games I can still watch in awe as they do things I consider humanly impossible. The difference is that I can now do things that were 100% impossible for me only 12 weeks ago.

Some weight loss has been achieved, my body composition has shifted drastically and I’m stronger than I’ve ever been in my life. Am I going to stick with it? Hell yeah! I still have a ways to go to reach my goals but I can’t wait to see where I’ll be in a year. I may not be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound but I’ll be happy with a few box jumps and a double under or two.

See www.crossfitathletic.com.au for more.

Watch video: Woman’s Day’s Karen Birkemoe takes on the CrossFit challenge.

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