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CrossFit Week 11: Testing Testing…

Week 11 of Karen's CrossFit Challenge

Only a few weeks into the full CrossFit swing of things and I find out about something ominously called Testing Week.

I soon learned that this is a really important part of what they do at CrossFit Athletic. It’s used to give them vital feedback on how we’re all progressing. Since I had never completed the testing week before it would give me a base line to work from and improve upon. So… no pressure. Well a little…

First we were expected to come every day of the week. Sadly (sniff sniff) I knew that wasn’t going to be possible. When I found out that skin fold testing and calipers were involved as part of Monday’s testing I knew that was a perfect day to miss. My upcoming dexascan would tell me all I needed to know about my personal fat content. I didn’t need anyone else pinch testing it to tell me how much was there.

Secondly I could see from the workout plan that some of it was going to be challenging even if I didn’t have a previous score to beat.

So here are the BASE level workouts and my scores:


A. 5 rep max Back Squat: 40 kg

B. 5 rep max Seated Dumbbell Press: 10kg

I thought I would be able to go a little heavier but without your legs involved for a little momentum the weights seem so much heavier.

C. 5 rep max Lateral Pulldown: 47kg

I impressed myself with this score – twice that and I might actually be able to do a chin up.


A. 5 rep max Front Squat 34 kg

This is definitely my weak spot – plenty of room for improvement here.

B. 5 rep max Bench Press 38kg

Once again my upper body redeems me… a little.

C 500 m Row Time Trial 2.01 min

I am totally confident that I can better this… with practice of course.

DAY 3 – AKA the hardest workout I’ve ever done

A. For time: 250m row, 15 Kettlebell Swings with 12kg, 25 Athletic Burpees, 15 Kettlebell Swings, 250m row

Rest 12 minutes and repeat entire sequence

1st round 4.57 min 2nd round 5.06min

My entire success in this workout I owe to J-Lo (AKA John Walton) he partnered up with me on this one and was the most encouraging pit crew member I could have asked for. He counted all my reps and shouted at me while I was rowing to speed up and improve my time. I literally thought I was going to die while I was pumping out my athletic burpees. Truth be told I think I almost did. My heart rate reached 206 bpm during this workout, all I can say about that is holy $#%^!

B. 5 min AMRAP of Double Unders I used the time to practice skipping and after many attempts at the elusive double under I only had little bruises on my shins to show for it. Not a single one… but I’m going to buy a rope and I’ll get there one day. It was so much easier when I was a kid or quite possible I couldn’t do them then either.


3.5km run for time I missed this day so no bench mark other than to admit to myself that I know I’m not a very fast runner and maybe that’s why I couldn’t make it that day.

Day 5

A. Sorenson Hold 1.54 min

This felt so easy to begin with but when my muscles started fatiguing there was nothing I could do. I started shaking like a bowl full of jelly and it was all over.

B. 5 min AMRAP calories on the AIRDYNE bike 87 CAL

This sounds deceptively easy but feels something like cycling through hell. Don’t judge until you’ve tried it.

C. TABATA Anchored Sit-ups total count 57

Again something that starts out feeling pretty easy. I was convinced in my first round that I would reach 80 pretty easily. With each progressive round I felt them get a little bit harder until I was struggling to get 5 done in 20 seconds.

So that was it. Like every other week it came and went leaving me feeling a little bit stronger and a lot more humble. My baseline has been set and it can only go up from here.

See www.crossfitathletic.com.au for more.

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