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Could flowers shrink your wrinkles?

Could flowers shrink your wrinkles?

The secret to naturally perfect skin may be found in the garden, with research showing that extracts from rose, white tea and witch hazel reduce wrinkles.

Scientists from London’s Kingston University School of Life Sciences, in conjunction with technical experts from English herbal skincare company Neal’s Yard Remedies, have identified a number of naturally-occurring anti-inflammatory substances that may provide the basis of new treatments to keep skin firmer and less wrinkles.

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What’s more, given that inflammation plays a major role in the cause and development of cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease, these substances could offer hope of prevention and even a potential cure for these more serious health disorders as well.

“Inflammation is a secret killer,” said the University’s Professor Declan Naughton. “Helping arrest its development, or being able to stop it at all, would clearly be a benefit.”

Initial work by Professor Naughton, PhD student Tamsyn Thring, and colleagues tested 21 plant extracts for evidence of their ability to fight cancer and the effects of ageing, via their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

They found that three of the extracts — white tea, witch hazel and rose — showed the most potential.

Then, in this most recent study, published in the Journal of Inflammation, they tested the same three extracts on human skin cells to see what effect they had on suppressing the enzymes and oxidants that cause inflammation to develop.

Even though the team’s previous research had intimated there might be some promising results ahead, the experts were astonished to see just how good the various concentrations of the three extracts were at doing the job.

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Dharmini Dhushyanthan, head of formulations at Neal’s Yard Remedies said: “The latest research findings reinforce our belief that plants hold the secret to our inner and outer beauty”.

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