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Connie Johnson shares an inspiring update as she battles through the final stages of terminal cancer

“I still have my hands and my arms for hugging my children, I still have eyesight for seeing my friends…”
Connie Johnson

Connie Johnson has taken to social media to share a heartbreakingly honest, though inspiring update as she nears the end of her fight against terminal cancer.

The 40-year-old, who ceased treatment for final stage breast cancer in July, shared the update in a post made to the Love Your Sister page on Tuesday.

She began by “mourning the loss” of her bodily function, revealing that she can no longer walk — among other painful realities.

“Lately it’s been hard for me to find the positives. I have been mourning the loss of lots of my bodily function,” she wrote. “I can’t walk anymore. Breathing has become difficult with the swelling of the liver. Sitting up is difficult with the swollen abdomen. Eating has become a bit of a chore rather than something pleasurable and I have been feeling cheated out of those normal daily experiences.”

However, the ever-inspiring mum-of-two has, of course, managed to find solace in all that remains.

“But today I realised that I still have my mind, there’s no cancer there,” she continued. “I still have my hands and my arms for hugging my children, I still have eyesight for seeing my friends, I still have my hearing for lovely conversations and music. I still have a couple of hours a day when I can do my craft.”

She added: “These are things to celebrate, I just feel so wonderfully happy!”

Last month, Connie’s brother, actor Samuel Johnson, revealed that his beloved sibling would, indeed, be entering hospice care.

“Con’s needed a lot of quiet time lately to try and comprehend the total headf*ckery that ‘actively dying’ brings,” he wrote on Facebook.

“No phones, no social media – all too overwhelming right now. She just rang from the hospice (her view pictured) and admitted that this is the most difficult thing she’s ever had to face, but in true Connie style she’s been colouring in to keep the nasty thoughts at bay! She said to tell you that there’s life in the old dog yet.”

“She’s as comfortable as can be and is being cared for superbly.”


Since then, Connie has remained all smiles, spending time colouring in and enjoying time with those she loves most: her family, friends and, as seen this weekend at yet another fundraising event for her charity, her fans.

We’re thinking of Connie, Samuel and their friends and family during this hard time.

If you would like to donate to Connie’s charity in a bid to fund cancer research, visit the Love Your Sister website for more information.

Remember: every cent counts.

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