Coca Cola has come under fire with the advertising campaign for its new ‘premium milk’ line with social media labelling it ‘sexist’ because of its, er, depictions of women dripping and frolicking in dresses made of milk.
The Fairlife milk campaign, which is being marketed by the softdrink giant as a high-end milk with higher calcium and protein than less-fancy milk, is accompanied by slogans such “Drink What She’s Wearing” and “Better Milk Looks Good On You.”
The campaign, which nods to Marilyn Monroe’s famous white dress incident in the film The Seven Year Itch, as you might expect, went down like a lead balloon on social media with detractors tweeting their displeasure with the campaign.
Of course sexist adverts are nothing new. We’ve trawled through the archives to find some true doozies. The depressing part is that when you think about it, how much as advertising really changed?
Whether they’re the mum who just loves cleaning the dunny or the flirtatious femme swishing her sexy, milky dress, the objectification of women remains a strong selling point for flogging stuff. And that doesn’t really look that good on anybody.

Coke’s milky efforts have been slammed.

Can you believe it?

At your feet of course!

We can think of so, so many better presents.

There is way too much to take issue with in this one.

That and cleaning, of course.

Yes. It is. Always.

Sadly this kind of product is still being flogged.

Good grief is about all we can muster.

Pass the vitamins please.

Cavemen were all about cigars

Because nobody likes a sweaty girl.

Whatever did women do before this?

No ‘ugly crying’ though. Men hate that.

Cancel the gym membership.

Women drivers, am I right?

Plus, then I would instantly become an excellent driver.

Because men don’t like clever women.

Because all us women do is ‘yearn to be tamed’.

Broken fingernails!

Priorities …

Muuuum, why can’t you just stop nagging?

Because countless divorce papers read ‘she had runs in her stockings’.

Just what exactly are you suggesting we film with that?

EVEN your wife?