Home Health

Christmas woes

“Blood is thicker than water and it boils quicker” goes the old saying!

The truth is, Christmas has never been much fun for those working behind the scenes. All in all, it can be a nerve-wracking experience, even for those who claim to enjoy it. Here’s how to avoid the pitfalls.

  • Lower your expectations

Decide that you’ll be happy if you have a calm day with agreeable food and the odd moment of enjoyment. You’ll then avoid feeling resentment if your Christmas does not live up to the fantasy.

  • Don’t try to change your parents or your siblings.

They will always see you as the child you once were. Don’t get up in arms. Just grin and bear it. In-laws can be more difficult. If you do get on, count your blessings, if you don’t, try to find some neutral ground on which you all agree. Do safe things like play board games, or go for a walk after lunch or dinner.

  • If you’re on your own and feeling left out

Volunteer at your local hospital or shelter. Many charities run events for local homeless people or the elderly and always need volunteers.

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