Home Health

Choose raw foods

We all know the best way to stay well and get all the nutrients we need is to eat a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Problem is – we just don’t do it!

Nuts, seeds, fresh fruit and vegetables are all free from colours, preservatives and emulsifiers. It makes sense that if we put this type of food into our bodies, we will feel more alive. They have the advantage of being easy to digest and providing all the fibre, vitamins and minerals we need. Prolonged cooking can destroy these nutrients, so in order to reap their benefits, they must be consumed raw.

To feel truly energised you should aim to include as many raw foods in your diet as possible, because good health should not be defined as the absence of disease, but as a vital, dynamic condition in which we feel positively charged and fully able to take whatever life has to throw at us.

To make eating raw fruits and vegetables more exciting, all you need is a juicer and a blender. Try these delicious and revitalising ‘raw recipes’:

  • To improve skin, juice four carrots, two spears of asparagus, half an iceberg lettuce and a handful of spinach leaves. This drink protects against skin infections because of its high vitamin A content, plus it’s full of vitamin E, which helps maintain supple skin. Drink three times a week.

  • To keep up energy levels, juice six apples, then blend with two bananas (peeled) and one tablespoon of smooth peanut butter. The fruit sugar (fructose) in the apples gives you an instant boost, while the slower-releasing energy in the bananas will keep you going all day. The peanut butter supplies protein, iron, magnesium vitamin E and folic acid. Have a glass in the morning if your day’s looking chaotic.

  • To beat insomnia, juice together three apples, two oranges (peeled, with pith), 1 lemon (with peel, if thin-skinned) and two handfuls of iceberg lettuce. Iceberg lettuce contains lactones, calming substances that act as a natural sedative. Have one glass before bed.


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