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Celebrity cellulite-busting diet

Naomi Campbell

Worried about unsightly body bumps? You’re not alone — even the stars suffer from cellulite. But there’s a lot you can do to banish those dreaded dimples.

What is cellulite?

The lumps and bumps on your thighs are caused by fatty deposits under the skin. Cellulite is predetermined by genetics, not weight, so all women can get it.

Anti-cellulite diet

Fight cellulite with six simple steps towards better health and a smoother, sexier body.

Drink wisely

When you’re having a night out or an at-home drink with friends, limit the number of toxins that enter your body by alternating alcoholic drinks with mineral water. Avoid high-kilojoule cocktails with creamy mixers.

Try: white wine spritzers or Pimm’s with diet lemonade.

Say no to salt

Excess salt can lead to water retention and make cellulite worse. Make sure you check food labels for added salt and ask for low-salt options in restaurants. Try not to add salt to home cooking.

Try: swapping salt for other great flavourings such as ginger, chilli, pepper and garlic.

Be a water baby

Aim to drink water throughout the day to avoid dehydration and to flush out toxins that cause the build-up of cellulite.

Try: having a bottle of water on your desk at work — a handy way, and physical reminder, to ensure you keep up your water intake.

Go green

Cut out your daily caffeine fix and start the morning with green tea — it’s caffeine-free and boosts your metabolism. Watch for hidden caffeine in diet soft drinks and chocolate bars.

Try: herbal teas or snacking on dried apricots instead of chocolate.

Fight fat with fibre

Eat more fibre-rich foods. Wholegrain bread and cereals, fruits and vegies help your digestive system to work more efficiently and blood sugars to remain stable by releasing energy slowly.

Try: making the switch from white bread to wholegrain and eating a bowl of muesli or porridge for breakfast.

Curb kilojoules

Losing excess body fat will help to lower levels of cellulite. Don’t crash-diet, but try to avoid high-fat foods like greasy takeaways and sugary snacks. Eat fresh fruit and vegies between meals instead.

Try: low-fat dairy products; fruit and vegetable sticks with low-fat hummus dip.

Get active now

Celebs like Jennifer Lopez and Angelina Jolie hit the gym to keep the bumps at bay. Try this easy workout plan to get rid of that ‘cottage cheese’ look.

  1. Exercise for 30 minutes at an easy pace before breakfast, three to four times a week. Try walking around the park, skipping with a rope at home, cycling or swimming laps at a local pool.
  1. Include a strength-training session in your weekly routine to add lean, toned muscle tissue. If you don’t belong to a gym, try lunges, step-ups on stairs, push-ups and squats.
  1. Keep trying to beat your personal best and aim to increase your sessions from 30 minutes to 45-60 minutes. Above all, don’t despair or give up — the effort will be worth it in the end!

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