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Celebrities back Save The Box campaign

For too long, gynaecological cancer has been hidden under a cloud of silence. Until now.
Save the Box

Enter the ground-breaking Save The Box campaign, which is encouraging Australians to start having potentially life-saving conversations about gynaecological cancers and raise funds for cancer research.

A slew of Aussie stars are throwing their names behind the campaign, including Ita Buttrose, Reggie Sorensen, Johanna Griggs and Deborah Knight.

Donning her cheeky Save The Box T-shirt, Johanna Griggs explained in her Instagram post just how important the crusade is.

“Yep – you read this T-Shirt right. It says Save The Box! Why? Because Every single day 15 Aussie women get diagnosed with a gynaecological cancer,” theHouse Rules host explained.

“We don’t hear much about these types of cancers and they receive very little funding to find a cure,” she added.

Studio Ten stars Joe Hildebrand and Ita Buttrose are backing the campaign.

Meanwhile reporter Jane Azoppardi summed up the notion perfectly in her poignant Instagram post: “Just because something is a bit awkward to talk about, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t.”

Hoping to lift the taboo surrounding these illnesses Save The Box, which has been spearheaded by the not-for-profit organisation The Australia New Zealand Gynaecological Oncology Group (ANZGOG), is already gaining momentum on social media.

“Just because something is a bit awkward to talk about, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. Australia – we need to talk about gynaecological cancer,” Jane Azoppardi explained.

“People feel uncomfortable speaking about women’s gynaecological health. The words for a woman’s intimate parts are often considered taboo and most people are unaware there are seven gynaecological cancers – ovarian, uterine (the most common being endometrial), cervical, vulvar, vaginal and two rare pregnancy cancers,” explains ANZGOG CEO Alison Evans.

And with 5,530 Australian women being diagnosed with one of the seven types of gynaecological cancers in 2015 and survival rates improving by just 7 per cent in the last 25 years there’s no time better than this very moment to help Save The Box.

To donate to the Save the Box campaign, register your support for gynaecological cancer or for more information visit www.savethebox.org.au.

The Woman’s Day team are doing their bit!

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